Lo Herma ISR Uranium Project – Resource Drilling Funded.


  • Upcoming Q3 resource drilling is fully funded 
  • Drilling will target expansion and upgrade of the current Inferred Mineral
    Resource Estimate of 5.71 Mlbs U3O8 at average 630ppm
  • Drilling to commence in the coming weeks – starting late July or early August
  • Planned rights entitlement offer to all shareholders on the same terms as the
    recent placement – details to be provided in due course 
“We are pleased and excited to have received investor support and funding to continue moving forward with our planned resource expansion drilling at Lo Herma. Matt and the team in Wyoming have put us in a great position to complete the drilling program this quarter, with a revised mineral resource estimate to be rapidly advanced post-drilling. This work prepares GTI for a potential Lo Herma scoping study which we hope to commence later this year on the basis that we can significantly grow the uranium resource estimate to a similar scale to ISR uranium mines currently being constructed or planned in Wyoming at Ur-Energy’s Shirley
Basin project & Encore’s Energy’s Gas Hills project.”
Bruce Lane
Executive Director

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