Membership Granted to the Uranium Producers of America.

GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or the Company) is pleased to advise that it has been accepted as a member of the Uranium Producers Of America (UPA), the peak industry lobbying and representative body for the uranium sector in the US.

UPA is a national trade association representing domestic uranium mining, conversion, and enrichment companies within the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle. UPA’s mission is to promote the viability of the nation’s uranium industry while being good stewards of the environments in which its members work and live. UPA has played a meaningful role in the enactment of three major pieces of legislation supporting the US uranium industry in the last year including:

• the inclusion of the Nuclear Fuel Security Act (NFSA) in the House-Senate agreement
for the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act,

• funding for the NFSA through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024, and

• H.R. 1042, The Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act.

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